A Course in Creativity: Find and Follow Your Spark
A ten-week course to guide individuals on their own path to discover or expand their creative passions will run Tuesdays from September 27 through November 29, from 1:30 to 4 p.m., at the Art Studio, 2 East Main St., Brookside. Facilitators June Shatken, founder of the Art Studio, and Kathy Kane, a Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach® and an Amherst Writers and Artists affiliate, will guide participants in learning how to honor their natural creativity and achieve their potential. Creativity principles will be presented and discussed, and participants will explore their own dreams, learning to recognize where their dreams are already manifesting while being supported in their intentions to realize those dreams. Each session will include experiences such as guided imagery and art play. Tools and tips will be provided to help each person incorporate creative sparks into their everyday lives. The ten-week session costs $375 (including supplies).
To register and for more information, call the Art Studio at 973-543-0101 and visit KaneCreativeConsulting.com and BrooksideArtStudio.com.