Jefferson Township Writer-Teacher Launches Interactive Magazine for Moms
Jodi Ciampa of Jefferson Township recently launched From One Mother to Another, or FOMTA,an interactive magazine “for all moms no matter what age or stage of life they are in,” according to Ciampa. This former seventh-grade reading and writing teacher, Huff Post parent and Patch blogger lives by the mantra that no one can help everyone, but everyone can help someone. “That is the basic premise of my magazine,” says Ciampa, “to help other mothers the way I was helped by the mothers before me. Even if only for a moment, it really does make a difference.”
What makes FOMTA interactive is that Ciampa encourages mothers (as well as fathers, guardians, caretakers, and others) to contribute to a theme. “This way our readers will have access to multiple suggestions, tips and opinions literally at their fingertips,” she says. Ciampa’s ultimate goal is to create a community of moms outside the walls of a traditional community. She wants mothers to feel comfortable expressing and sharing their feelings to help themselves and others at the same time.
“Asking for help doesn’t make you weak, it only makes you better. Andsometimes, all it takes is for someone to listen. These are the two most important lessons I’ve learned since becoming a mom,” says FOMTA’s creator,mother to a 10-year-old and a 6-year-old. “To me, knowing you are not alone can make all the difference in the world.”
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