Integrative Wellness Network Offers Overview of Qigong Principles and Practices
On Tuesday, September 17, at 7 pm, Cesar and Bianca Godoy of the Integrative Wellness Network,a group of wellness practitioners providing information on sustained wellness, disease prevention and natural healing methodologies,will deliver an overview of Qigong principles, practices and concepts at the Presbyterian Church, 65 South Street, Morristown, where the group meets the third Tuesday of each month. The network’s meetings are open to everyone interested in personal and collective well-being.The fee is $7.
The ancient practice of Qigong, which dates back more than 4,000 years, is characterized by slow, gentle and flowing graceful movements. This low-impact exercise system coordinates movements with breath and mental focus, increasing awareness of the mind-breath-body connection.If you’ve never tried Qigong, it’s an opportunity to learn; if you are a Qigong practitioner, join to share your experience.
For more information, call Renee Dorn at 551-574-9500 or Cesar Godoy at 973-216-4070.Parking is available next to the church.Meetings are held in the parlor, the first room on the left upon entering the building.