Qigong for Wellness
It’s been said that “Qigong practice leads to better health and vitality and a tranquil state of mind.” On February 17, at 7pm, the monthly meeting of the Integrative Wellness Network, held at the Presbyterian Church, 65 South Street, Morristown, will feature an introduction to Qigong by instructors Renee Dorn, Cesar Godoy and Bianca Godoy. In addition to presenting a brief lecture, the instructors will lead an experiential qigong class and share insights and practices to help participants incorporate the philosophies of this art in their daily activities. The group’s monthly meetings, held in the church parlor, the first room on the left upon entering the building, are open to everyone interested in personal and collective well-being. The fee is $7.
For more information, contact Renee Dorn at 551-574-9500 or Cesar Godoy at 973-216-4070