New Naturopathic Courses Forming for Spring
Clinical Nutritionist Dian Freeman is now accepting deposits for her Wellness Simplified Spring/Summer Naturopathic Course for Certification as a Holistic Health Counsellor (CHHC) that begins on April 14. Freeman has been conducting the six-month national certification course twice a year for more than 15 years. Many students take Freeman’s course to begin a career as a Naturopath in holistic health, while others take it for personal use.
She teaches many modalities learned by experience and combined in her own practice. Among these include what used to be thought of as clinical nutrition, which was based on optimal supplementation as developed through orthomolecular nutrition. Freeman combines this original nutritionist tradition with the newer approaches of functional nutrition diets, herbalism, essential oils, flower essences and many other effective healing modalities, including vibrational energy tools.
Students receive personal and business nutritional guidance, plus mentorship and discounted access to future classes and lectures. Graduates of the program may attend free monthly meetings to learn business skills and to practice consultations.
To register, call 973-267-4816 or visit