What is Fascia and Why it Matters
Ida Rolf, a groundbreaking biochemist, created a structurally integrative bodywork to repair and reverse the stress placed on the body by a lifetime of gravity. Ed Hemberger and Advanced Rolfer Tom Findley, M.D., Ph.D., are pleased to invite the public to an educational demonstration called “What is Fascia and Why It Matters?” at 7:30 p.m., on January 21, at Flowers Healing Arts in Montclair.
The structural integration technique presented uses “a system of manual therapy and sensorimotor education that aims to improve human biomechanical functioning as a whole rather than to treat particular symptoms.” In other words, it’s a hands-on treatment that is distinct from massage in its focus on releasing fascia, the soft tissue surrounding muscles, with the aims to improve postural alignment and reduce pain.
“Many people are curious about this type of corrective therapy and this demonstration can help those interested learn how structural integration works and what it may do for them,” states Hemberger. “We will also show how well it’s worked for others through sharing facts and figures gathered by the Fascia Research Congress.”
Cost $20. Location: Flowers Healing Arts, 460 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair. RSVP: call or text 973-462-3112. HembergerStructuralIntegration.com. See ad, page 36.