Evolutionary Astrologer: Fairlie Theta Workshop
Astrology is more than a horoscope in a magazine, it’s a complex language system that can provide the tools to grow and thrive. Blossoming into Light is excited to announce that Fairlie Theta will be offering a workshop and astrological and transit chart readings on March 28.
Using a person’s unique personal information, evolutionary astrologer, Fairlie Theta, casts a natal chart and walks them through the energies they carry into this life and the directions they’re asked to explore. The sessions, which must be booked and paid for in advance, will last between 45 to 50 minutes. Participants receive a reading of the chart along with a copy to take home.
The workshop, held at 3:00 p.m., delves into how astrology can be a valuable tool for personal and spiritual development. It’s designed to help participants translate the language of astrology and help to decode the secrets of one’s personal chart and its implications for the higher self, creative potential and their interactions with the world. Registration includes materials. Please provide place of birth, date, and time of birth at registration.
Cost: $111 for astrology session with chart; $50 for workshop. Location: Blossoming into Light, 31 Fairmount Avenue, Suite 105, Chester. For the astrological reading, contact Sue or Leslie at 862-222-4268 or email [email protected]. For the workshop, register at AstrologyWorkshopFairlie.Eventbrite.com or use the information above. BlossomingIntoLight-Chester.com.