The Divine Spark Within Workshop
We are all light beings that can be guided by the inner voice of the light. There is an Indian saying “men thunder, women rain.” As women, our emotional makeup literally pours through us. While we use our powers to empathize, we also need to balance that ability with healthy boundaries. Our boundaries can come from the development and strengthening of our gifts of connection to our souls. On Saturday, May 26th at 2 pm, Nancy Weber is hosting a four-hour workshop, entitled The Divine Spark Within, in Denville. It’s an excursion into empowering the soul’s voice in our lives.
As a nurse, practicing psychic/medium, animal communicator, psychic detective and medical intuitive, Nancy keeps stretching herself into the unknown. Inward journeys are about discovering our powers and creating spiritual fulfillment. We are always revealing more of our powers, more of our purpose. Inner guidance continues to unfold as we tap into uncharted waters of life.
For more information, call Nancy at 973-586-3936 or email [email protected]. To register, visit