Acorn Holistics Offers Hypnosis and Meditation Sessions

The brain is like an iceberg. The conscious mind is the 10% that can be seen above the water and comprises logical thinking and memories. The subconscious mind is the 90% that cannot be seen and deals with beliefs, emotions and imagination. A hypnotist taps into the subconscious mind to rewire the brain to create positive habits. Bruce and Debbie Cialfi, co-owners of Acorn Holistics, help their clients retrain their brains in order to solve their problems and overcome life’s obstacles.
At Acorn Holistics, a client first receives a complimentary phone consultation to target what they have been trying to achieve or change. Then, they attend a series of safe, confidential appointments where Debbie or Bruce speak to their subconscious mind and guide them through hypnosis with positive statements and affirmations that are targeted to work on specific triggers.
Meditation can be another tool in the toolbox when trying to tackle problems such as anxiety, stress, smoking or weight loss. Debbie explains, “through meditation, a person can tap fully into the subconscious mind, just as a hypnotist does in hypnosis. Through instruction in meditation, one can learn to calm and focus the mind.” Many people feel that meditation is not for them because they cannot “turn off their brains,” but in reality, they just need guidance. Accessing the mind is attainable through hypnosis and meditation.
Location: Acorn Holistics, 46 Main Street, Netcong. For more information, call 973-475-8989, email [email protected] or visit