Planning Your #NextChapter
Apr 01, 2021 10:42AM ● By Joe DunneJoe Dunne, Publisher
April reminds me that spring is here and with it new beginnings. With that in mind we are proud to announce our Giving Back, #Next Chapter Scholarship Award Opportunity. As you know Natural Awakenings is about awareness, community and education. So we are excited to announce our first, in what we hope will be many, $500 scholarship.
Complete details, qualifications and application form can be found at The short version is this: applicants must be 25 years of age or older, and enrolled (or plan to enroll) in a continuing education program that promotes healthy living or a healthy planet. Enrollment may be a college, university, certification or other training program. This includes becoming a yoga instructor, a nutritionist course, organic cooking or farming, environmental sciences, ocean clean up—the possibilities are endless as long as it aligns with our mission.
If you are interested, visit today and apply. Share this opportunity with others. Together, we’ll keep growing—onward and upward.
In peace, love and laughter,
Joe Dunne, Publisher