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Natural Awakenings North Central New Jersey

Sustainable Menstrual Options

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The ecological impact of disposable feminine hygiene products is substantial. Nearly 20 billion sanitary napkins, tampons and applicators are thrown into U.S. landfills every year, generating more than 200,000 tons of waste. Most of these products are made of (and wrapped in) non-biodegradable plastic and contain dangerous pesticide residues, bleach and phthalates. From an economic standpoint, the average woman spends about $12,800 on menstrual care in her lifetime.   

To reduce the plastic waste that languishes in landfills and waterways, environmentally conscious women are increasingly turning to more sustainable options, including reusable, biodegradable and organic products that are healthier for both people and the planet without compromising on functionality. Although reusable products are more expensive, they are worn over and over again for years, making them more cost-effective in the long run.


Eco-Friendly Menstrual Products

Menstrual Cup: Made with medical-grade silicone, this alternative to disposable tampons is worn inside the vagina to collect flow, rather than absorb it. It is safe and easy to use. A cup holds four to six times more than a single tampon or pad, and it can be worn for up to 12 hours before rinsing and reinserting. Most people have to empty it only in the morning and evening. 

Menstrual cups can be worn while swimming, running or dancing. To sterilize between periods, a one-to-two-minute boil and thorough drying keeps the cup ready for next time. With proper care, a cup can last years.

Period Underwear: Absorbent, machine-washable and hygienic, period underwear uses a layered approach to leak-proofing with a moisture-wicking top layer, absorbent core layer and waterproof liner. Simply rinse after use and drop it in the next load of laundry.   

Reusable Pads: Thin and flexible, reusable pads can absorb more than a disposable counterpart and typically lasts three to five years. Some companies make their reusable pads from organic cotton and spandex, with edge-to-edge protection and snap closures to keep it in place. Simply rinse them in cold water and throw them in the washing machine. For lighter days, reusable pantyliners are also available. 

Organic Tampons and Pads: Although disposable, tampons and pads made from organic cotton are healthier for both people and planet because they are free of BPA-plastic, dyes, pesticides, dioxins, fragrance, chlorine or other synthetic materials. Look for companies that provide plastic-free applicators and compostable wrappers and packaging.

Eco-Friendly Companies












5 Top Tips to Finding Your Next Doctor

1 Keep an Open Mind! Healthcare has come a long way. Today, you have access to practitioners that branch outside of traditional medicine and aim to identify the root causes of conditions while using alternative treatments that may help you get the relief you need. Just because it’s not a pill, doesn’t make it pseudoscience.

2 Build Your Health Care Team. There is no one doctor that can be the be-all-end-all for your health needs. Be sure to have a team of practitioners with different “lenses” and areas of expertise who will treat the root cause and not just the symptom(s).

3   Environment Influences Healing. Health is multi-factorial. Your mental and emotional environment plays a pivotal role in your healing potential. Your doctors and their staff should create an office atmosphere filled with positivity so you can get the most out of your care.

4 Your Story Matters.  Before you begin any treatment, be sure to have a comprehensive consultation to discuss your health concerns. Find practitioners who welcome questions and will take the time to listen and treat you with respect.

5 Report of Findings. When it comes to our health, we often make decisions without understanding the risk versus benefits. Knowledge is an important part of the healing process and is essential to make conscious, informed health decisions. Find practitioners who take the time to explain their exam findings and the recommendations for treatment in ways that make sense to you.

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